Just before the last UK election (May 2017), the House of Commons Education and Health Committees published a report on Children and Young People’s Mental Health – the Role of Schools, which leads off with this encouraging statement:

We support a whole school approach that embeds the promotion of well-being throughout the culture of the school and curriculum as well as in staff training and continuing professional development.

We can but hope that the new House follows up this report with action.

There have been a number of reports on this subject over the last few years that are worth referring to in the same context.

Wise Up to Wellbeing in Schools – Young Minds 2017

Mental Health and Behaviour in Schools – Publication by the UK Department of Education, March 2016

Future in Mind – Protecting, protecting and improving our children’s mental health and wellbeing.  Publication by the Hong Kong Department of Health, 2015

National Children’s Bureau statement (2014) on Mental health and emotional wellbeing in schools – also advocating a preventative whole-school approach