If you are in the Northern Hemisphere or work with the British school system, welcome to the new school year! For those whose school year runs from Jan to Dec – only four months to go!  And a special welcome to those who have recently signed up to Growing Great Schools Worldwide .

This newsletter is no longer than 2 pages so please read to the end to click onto links of interest.

Conferences & events

September 13th: Cambridge: Relationships Foundation Conference

October 4th: Bristol: 3rd Annual Wellbeing in Schools conference

October 18th: Birmingham: Values-Based Education conference

November 12-14th: Locarno, Switzerland: International Conference on Wellbeing in Education Systems.

November 21st: Exeter: Being Good: The Link Between Wellbeing, Behaviour and Learning: Babcock Education Annual Behaviour Conference

December 2nd-7th: Everywhere! This is @teacher5aday week. Based on the NEF Five Ways to Wellbeingframework, this encourages teachers to boost their wellbeing by Connecting, Noticing, Learning, Being Active and Volunteering. Ideas, blogs and resources to follow.

If you are running a conference on any aspect of wellbeing in education, please let us know if you would like it on the website and in a future newsletter.

Recent TED talks

Nicola Sturgeon: Why governments should prioritise wellbeing

George Monbiot: The new politics that could change everything – the importance of belonging

 – if you feel these ideas are worth sharing, please share!

Sue Roffey’s TEDx NorwichEd talk – School as family – education aligned with healthy child development – will be on-line soon. You can read what she says here.

Introduction to Circle Solutions training day

October 14th: Central London: If you want to improve relationships, resilience & responsibility in your school this is the only social and emotional learning framework with an evidence-based pedagogy. This training day is informative, interactive and fun – and a pre-requisite for the Trainer program. Places are limited to 25. Book online here. Read a recent research report about how it promotes class cohesion.
News and information

The new Ofsted framework applies from Sept 2019 with some of these positive changes:

  • It is more child-centred: i.e. what is it like to be a child in this school?
  • A focus on what the school is providing for the more disadvantaged students
  • A stronger focus on a ‘broad and balanced curriculum’ which may offer more opportunities in the creative arts.
  • Several references to relationships, respect, tolerance and pastoral care
  • Staff wellbeing is a key feature of leadership and management judgment.

The recent document published by three UK government departments School Sport and Activity Plan recommends pupils have a minimum of one hour physical activity a day in school to stay fit and healthy. Organisations involved to facilitate implementation include Sport England and Youth Sport Trust.

Australian Childhood Foundation: Trauma-Informed Practice in Schools. A well-written and highly accessible resource that includes information on the neurology of trauma.

Read Dan’ O’Hare’s blog about the new proposals by the UK government to impose harsher discipline in schools and the damage it will do to vulnerable children and young people.


Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY) asked students in years 10 – 12 what they need from their parents. Here it is: Please just say you are proud of me.

Social Relations and Wellbeing: A scoping study by What Works Wellbeing, exploring relationships within our communities.

The NSW report on Student Wellbeing. Although published in 2015 it is still highly relevant.

Before you go …

If your organisation or school is working to improve the wellbeing of all in education consider being a partner in Growing Great Schools Worldwide. It costs nothing and aims to showcase best practice. Just submit a short paragraph with links (and photo if you like) to admin@ggsww.email. We welcome articles but these must promote wellbeing, not be focused on mental illness, bullying or other problems. (see how we work).

PS: The Introductory offers for the Wellbeing Stories – six books for 8-11 year old children featuring characters to represent different types of positive and negative thinking, together with teacher and parent toolkits ended in July. We will, however offer a 15% discount for the Education and Family Sets to those who cite this newsletter with the coupon code ggswwstory (Enter the code at ‘View basket’). The electronic version licenses schools to print as many copies as they wish for their school. More info on the website.

Thank you for all you do.

Sue Roffey