Click on the links in each heading to learn more.

Bring people together

There are many individuals and organisation equally concerned about how well our children are doing – and the role of education in creating a flourishing future for everyone. Growing Great Schools Worldwide is a platform for information, discussion and stories of good practice.


Growing Great Schools™ work with school leadership teams, teachers, families, community organisations and others to grow great schools (and families) that support healthy child development and enable all young people to flourish in life.  We bring a broad expertise to work collaboratively with school leaders to define and communicate their vision for wellbeing and the values that underpin this, provide a range of staff development, give presentations to parents and on-going support as needed.  We help schools explore and build on their strengths and provide direct input and training where needed


Any school can request an assessment schedule from us that will help them discover what is working well for wellbeing and what is holding them back.   This is free and may be a focus for a future discussion about where next.


We have been involved either directly or as a consultant on a wide variety of research programmes, and are currently engaged in further Circle Solutions research in Australia and in Essex and seeking funding for our Shared Humanity research across five countries.

PD and training

We provide training on many aspects of behaviour, school and student wellbeing, school leadership and related matters, as well as providing consultancy on all aspects of student and school wellbeing.

Talks and workshops

We speak and run workshops at a variety of conferences and events. You can see what is currently planned at this link, including links to how to book for those events that are available for booking. You can also see the range of subjects that we cover by checking the list of past events here.