2024: Sue Roffey: ASPIRE to wellbeing and learning for all: The Psychologist (BPS), 3/6/24
2023: Andrew Speight and Sue Roffey: A holistic approach to mental health and education: UK Local Government Association
2021: Sue Roffey and Bridget Grenville-Cleave: articles around the publication of Creating the World We Want to Live In:
- Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/sallypercy/2021/06/20/what-leaders-get-wrong-about-workplace-wellbeing/?sh=6d6aa417306b
- Business Express: https://business.express/how-to-build-wellbeing-at-work-and-create-thriving-high-performing-employees-2/
- Yahoo Lifestyle: https://uk.style.yahoo.com/average-age-children-ask-lifes-big-questions-and-how-to-answer-123019364.html
- CEO Today: https://www.ceotodaymagazine.com/2021/07/back-to-the-office-10-books-to-help-ceos-thrive-in-the-new-world-of-work/6/
- Silver Magazine: https://silvermagazine.co.uk/are-you-a-good-friend-how-lockdown-has-changed-friendships
- Yahoo Life! https://uk.style.yahoo.com/world-friendship-day-how-to-rebuild-friendships-post-lockdown-070032701.html
- Your Coffee Break: https://www.yourcoffeebreak.co.uk/lifestyle/26338792367/what-does-a-happy-life-look-like/
- CEO Today: https://www.ceotodaymagazine.com/2021/08/can-ceos-really-make-a-difference-to-the-world/
- Independent Education Today: https://ie-today.co.uk/comment/growing-good-men/
- Childcare Club: https://www.mortonmichel.com/news/wholeness-rather-than-happiness
- Daily Mail Online: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-9909013/The-myth-happiness-Psychologist-reveals-secret-living-content-life.html
- Female First: https://www.femalefirst.co.uk/books/how-to-avoid-sabotaging-your-relationships-1316610.html
2021: Interviews on various subjects in psychology!
- For BBC Scotland: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m000xt85 at 12.10 (ten minutes in)
- For BBC Nottingham: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p09n7lrl at 10:50 – 50mins in
- BBC Leeds: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p09nnlvk
2018: Sue Roffey: Children and trauma
2017: Kathryn Taylor: Empowering school leadership through pro-active strategies from Education Today, Term 4 2017 (Australia)
2017: Sue Roffey: Creative Caring for Teachers: How a whole-school well-being approach can support everyone’s mental health – article for Education Canada
2017: Sue Roffey: theconversation.com/four-things-schools-can-do-to-help-tackle-extremism-and-radicalisation – article following the Manchester and London attacks
2016: Sue Roffey: Wellbeing as Core School Business – What it is and Why it Matters – in networkofwellbeing.org
2015: Lyn Worsley: Engaged, Resilient and Successful in school. Measuring the process for better outcomes – article for Principal Matters
2014: Sue Roffey: Pushed out or pulled out? Why kids don’t want to go to school – article in The Conversation
2014: Sue Roffey: Wellbeing begins with ‘We’ – article for Open Forum
2012: Lyn Worsley: Resilience Doughnut Framework
2011: Sue Roffey: Why are MPs more interested in naughtiness than in what causes it? – article in The Guardian 15 Feb 2011, in response to the UK Education Select Committee report on behaviour
2009: Sue Roffey: Effective and Flourishing: Making a real difference by developing school and student wellbeing. Article for Principal Matters
2007: Sue Roffey: Oppositional? yes, defiant? yes, disordered? Who says? DECP Debate.
2007: Sue Roffey: Raising Achievement Update Taking Account of Emotions in Student-Teacher Relationships
2006: Sue Roffey: EQ Australia: Learning to Care: Relationships, emotional literacy and wellbeing.
2005: Sue Roffey: Series of monthly articles on young children and behaviour in Nursery World magazine. Some now reprinted in Early Childhood. Read Beliefs and Behaviour
2005: Sue Roffey: Emotional Literacy: what is it and what can it do? Article in Classroom(Australia)
2001: Sue Roffey: The Emotion in Learning in EQ Australia
1997: Sue Roffey: What to do if a Child in Your School Dies. Guidance for Head teachers published by the London Borough of Haringey.