Strengths in Circles cards – Sue Roffey and Russell Deal

Discover what many indigenous communities have known forever: sitting in a circle with others and establishing simple, respectful guidelines for communicating might just be the most effective solution-finding technique ever invented!

The Circles approach to groups and teams is safe, respectful, democratic, inclusive and strengths-based. Each Strengths in Circles card contains a building block for putting Circles into practice – in schools, teams, organisations and communities.

42 cards arranged into 6 suits based on the ‘ASPIRE’ acronym:

  • Agency
  • Safety
  • Positivity
  • Inclusion
  • Respect
  • Equality

Each theme names 7 key values that can be discussed, interpreted and considered for adoption as ground rules by any group. Watch the dynamics of the group evolve within the sphere of these values!

Buy them here:

‘I wholeheartedly recommend this card set, particularly to educators. I hope it will find its place in schools to give guidance and focus to the strengths advocated in this incisive and exemplary resource.’  Bill Rogers PhD, educationalist

Early Years Restorative Conference Script Cards – Developed by Jane Langley and Bill Hansberry for the Early Years

These high colour, pocket-sized cards contain easy to follow restorative conference scripts that have been modified from the ‘grown up’ (standard) restorative script. These individual and small group scripts have been developed for use with early years children and/or children with language difficulties.

Many children don’t have the language development needed to engage with standard conference scripts. These kids need shorter (less wordy), more concrete questions. These scripts lessen the receptive language demands so children are more able to focus on what happened, their feelings, other peoples’ feelings and ways the problem might be sorted out.

These scripts are the result of years of trial and error in early years settings and are our best effort to assist our early years colleagues to develop childrens’ empathic awareness of others, sooner rather than later.

Buy them here:

The Grab and Go Circle Time Kit for Teaching Restorative Behaviour: 13 sessions for Junior Primary, by Bill Hansberry and Jane Langley

Thinking and Behaving Restoratively doesn’t come naturally to all kids. Restorative Practices is a way of thinking about people and events and it’s a frame of reference that we can teach to young people. What’s the result? Calmer, more peaceful and more productive classrooms and playgrounds. Evidence shows that schools that actively teach Restorative Thinking and Behaviour to students report less bullying behaviour, less anxious kids, less anxious parents and happier teachers.

The Grab and Go Circle Time Kit for Teaching Restorative Behaviour is unique. We’ve harnessed the Circle Time pedagogy, (also known as Circle Solutions) to create thirteen wonderful sessions to actually teach Junior Primary Students how to think and behave restoratively. Packed with wonderful illustrated stories and resources for use in the sessions, busy teachers can literally pick this manual up and run with it!