2023: Sue Roffey: Applying Positive Psychology in Primary Schools, in Andrea Giraldez-Hayes and Jolanta Burke (Eds.) Applied Positive School Psychology, Routledge.
2021: Sue Roffey: Social and Emotional Learning – Circle Solutions and ASPIRE, and Relationships and social capital, in Kimberley Evans, Thérèse Hoyle, Frederika Roberts & Bukky Yusuf (Eds.) The Big Book of Whole School Wellbeing, Corwin.
2021: Sue Roffey & Denise Quinlan: Positive Education with Disadvantaged Students, and Kelly-Ann Allen, Christopher Slaten, Gökmen Arslan, Sue Roffey, Heather Craig & Dianne Vella-Brodrick: School Belonging: The Importance of Student and Teacher Relationships, in Margaret Kern & Michael Wehmeyer (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Positive Education. Palgrave Macmillan.
2019: Sue Roffey: Relationships & Social Capital in Schools, in Castelli et al. (Eds.), Wellbeing in Education Systems, Conference Abstract Book (4.3MB pdf). Locarno: Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI).
2018: Sue Roffey & Christopher Boyle: Belief, belonging and the role of schools in reducing the risk of home-grown extremism, in Kelly-Ann Allen and Christopher Boyle (Eds.), Pathways to Belonging: Contemporary Research in School Belonging. Leiden: Brill.
2017: Sue Roffey: Positive Relationships at Work, in Lindsey Oades, Michael Steger, Antonella Della Fave & Jonathan Passmore (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of The Psychology of Positivity and Strengths-Based Approaches at Work. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell.
2017: Sue Roffey: Learning Healthy Relationships, in Carmel Proctor (Ed.), Positive Psychology Interventions in Practice, Dordrecht: Springer.
2017: Sue Roffey: Young people’s wellbeing within schools: Student voice and agency, in Julia Hardy & Charmian Hobbs (Eds.), Using qualitative research to hear the voice of children and young people: The work of British educational psychologists (pp. 83-93). Leicester: British Psychological Society
2016: Brenda Dobia & Sue Roffey: Respect for Culture – Social and Emotional Learning with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth – chapter in Martin, Frydenberg & Collie (Eds.) Social and Emotional Learning in Australia and the Asia-Pacific. Dordrecht: Springer.
2016: Sue Roffey: Behaviour: Chapter 13 of A guide to early years and primary teaching, edited by Dominic Wyse & Sue Rogers: the download here is an earlier draft that contains the References that were unintentionally omitted from the published copy: Ch 13 Behaviour Draft submission
2016: Sue Roffey: Circle Solutions og understøttet læring, in René Kristensen & Thomas Szulevicz (Eds): Understøttende undervisning og læringsmiljøer. Forlaget Dafolo
2015: Lyn Worsley: The Resilience Doughnut – Combining Strengths to Thrive: Chapter 5 of Victim: Victorious, edited by Marie-Claire Patron & Stephen S Holden, Nova Science Publishers Inc.
2014: Sue Roffey: two chapters: Growing Great Kids, and Learning to Live Together, in Helen Street & Neil Porter (Eds.) Better Than OK: Helping Young People to Flourish at School and Beyond. Fremantle, WA: Fremantle Press
2014: Lyn Worsley: Resilience in Three Australian High Schools, Using the Resilience Doughnut Framework, in Resilience Interventions for Youth in Diverse Populations, edited by Sandra Prince-Embury and Donald Saklofske. Dordrecht: Springer.
2014: Volume 6 of the Complete Handbook of Wellbeing, on Interventions and Policies to Enhance Wellbeing (Edited by Felicia Huppert & Cary Cooper): Sue Roffey co-authored a chapter with Professor Jacqueline Barnes on ‘Community change- the complex nature of interventions to promote positive connections‘.
2010: Sue Roffey: Classroom support for including students with challenging behaviour, in Richard Rose (Ed.), Confronting Obstacles to Inclusion. London: David Fulton
2009: Sue Roffey: 2 Invited chapters in M. Bhatnagar (ed) Emotional Literacy: Concept, Application and Experiences. Hyderabad, India: Icfai University Press