Our Partner, The Resilience Doughnut, provides these services …
The Resilience Doughnut is a practical, research-validated therapeutic model and framework which, for over a decade, has been used to build the emotional resilience and wellbeing of children, young people and adults. Resilience is at the heart of staff, pupil and parent wellbeing, success and long term mental health. With The Resilience Doughnut, you can raise the wellbeing, morale and resilience of school staff, pupils and the community so they can passionately teach, learn and connect in a positive school climate. In the UK: resiliencedoughnutuk.com, in Australia: theresiliencedoughnut.com.au.
Pupil Resilience
We have a range of training, presentation, workshop and coaching opportunities which enable schools to implement and apply The Resilience Doughnut therapeutic model and framework across a class, year group or whole school and evaluate the impact of all your pupil wellbeing work. resiliencedoughnutuk.com/pupil-resilience
School Staff Resilience
The Resilience Doughnut provides a practical process for schools and colleges seeking to help staff with stress, pressure or challenging agendas. Fostering wellbeing at an individual, team and whole-school level has the potential to build resilient and positive organisations with the tools to grow and flourish. We provide a range of workshop, coaching and training opportunities for individuals, small groups and whole teams including specific training and coaching for leaders and managers. resiliencedoughnutuk.com/school-staff-resilience
Parent and Family Resilience
We have a range of workshops and training opportunities for parents and carers to build their own emotional resilience and discover ways to support their children as they grow and change, so that they can face the inevitable difficulties that life sometimes brings. resiliencedoughnutuk.com/parent-family-resilience
Resilience Report
The Resilience Report enables a snapshot to be taken of specific resilience and wellbeing characteristics of children, adolescents and adults and provides individuals with an action plan to increase their own resilience – Promoting self-reflection, emotional regulation, meaningful connections and personal competence. When working with children and young people the Resilience Report also provides avenues for intervention and a validated measure of impact, through resources, competence and adversity measures. Within the workplace, school leaders also have the opportunity to gain a whole team or organisation overview of the symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression being experienced across their team as well as available strengths – whilst protecting the anonymity of staff. resiliencedoughnutuk.com/resilience-report
Whole School Resilience
The Resilience Doughnut can provide a sustainable, whole-school, multi-level programme of training, development, delivery and evaluation for schools to raise the emotional resilience, wellbeing and morale of staff, pupils and parents in a positive school community.
International and Boarding Schools
We have a range of workshop, training and coaching opportunities to build the emotional resilience of pupils, staff and parents in global transition, providing an actionable, positive plan including the leavers, the arrivers and the stayers, spanning the whole school community. resiliencedoughnutuk.com/international-boarding